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Stealth Advertising, Supreme Court Style II

One day it was NPR’s All Things Considered reporting Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio’s (D-Sandbagged) search – to no avail – for the “mystery” group attacking him with an $86,000 (according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer) ad campaign. The next day it was New York Times reporter Mike McIntire chasing – to no avail – the elusive group...

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Stealth Advertising, Supreme Court Style

Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections.

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Skechers and Sketchier

Skechers and Sketchier

Nickelodeon's Nicktoons says it doesn't violate the Children's Television Act when it comes to a proposed animated show coming [this] month called "Zevo-3"

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Branded (Dis)Content?

Branded (Dis)Content?

A report this month from Kantar Media graphically illustrates the extent of advertising’s infiltration into television programming in the form of branded content/entertainment

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Online Marketers on a Kid-nabbing Spree

Online Marketers on a Kid-nabbing Spree

The Wall Street Journal's excellent What They Know series featured a September 18th piece that "found that popular children's websites install more tracking technologies on personal computers than do the top websites aimed at adults." The Journal examined 50 sites popular with U.S. teens and children to see what tracking tools they installed on a...

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