Branded Content
"Style" Bustin'

“Style” Bustin’

Local infomercial "Style Boston" has expanded its footprint, as they call it in the TV biz, from a half-hour per week to three hours a week, thanks to a new arrangement with regional cable-news outlet NECN and Comcast Sportsnet New England.

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Skechers and Sketchier

Skechers and Sketchier

Nickelodeon's Nicktoons says it doesn't violate the Children's Television Act when it comes to a proposed animated show coming [this] month called "Zevo-3"

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Branded (Dis)Content?

Branded (Dis)Content?

A report this month from Kantar Media graphically illustrates the extent of advertising’s infiltration into television programming in the form of branded content/entertainment

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